
Minister PANRB boosts digitalization by releasing 3 integrated service apps in September – Front Row

Minister PANRB boosts digitalization by releasing 3 integrated service apps in September – Front Row

The government is preparing to gradually roll out limited versions of three initial products developed by INA Digital. The first phase of the limited version (Alpha), scheduled for release in the fourth week of September 2024, will introduce the INA Ku, INA Gov and INA Pas applications, ushering in a new era in the digital transformation of government services.

“This limited release represents a new approach to app development in government, where we focus on ensuring products are ready for use from launch,” Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said after a limited cabinet meeting held at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday.

INA Gov or Government Management Portal will eventually enable interoperability of civil servant services covering aspects such as civil servant profiles, performance targets, learning platforms and services related to promotions, transfers and terminations. Meanwhile, INA Pas or Integrated Digital Identity will form the backbone of system and application integration.

“INA Ku or Public Service Portal will enable interoperability of various services including education, healthcare, social services, civil administration and BPJS,” Anas explained.

Anas noted that the first phase of the limited release (Alpha) will cover 10,000 officers on INA Gov and 40,000 users on INA Ku. This phase will provide basic features to a limited group of users to gather feedback and conduct initial characterization.

The second phase (Beta) of the limited release will be expanded to 138 government agencies on INA Gov and 40,000+ users on INA Ku. This phase will release broader features to a limited number of external users to minimize barriers and improve features.

“In the final stage, a full version will be released for all users, with the process open to everyone. The released version will be more stable, and features will be continuously expanded according to needs,” he added.

Anas called on all ministries and institutions to support the implementation of the first phase of the limited release. This support includes preparing the integration of digital services in their respective institutions to ensure that they are connected to the Public Service Portal and the Government Administration Portal.