
Maximilian Bolenius to Leave Fremantle’s German Sales Role

Maximilian Bolenius to Leave Fremantle’s German Sales Role

SPECIAL: FremantleGerman sales chief, Maximilian Boleniusis leaving Talented Manufacturer after 14 years.

Fremantle’s Senior Vice President for German-Speaking Europe and Israel, Bolenius, informed customers of his departure in an email today, we understand. Fremantle confirmed the departure in a statement to Deadline.

“After nearly 15 years with the company, Max Bolenius has decided to leave Fremantle,” said Jamie Lynn, Fremantle’s EVP Joint Manufacturing & Distribution EMEA. “During his tenure, Max has been a valuable member of our distribution team and has built countless great relationships with his colleagues and customers. We thank him for his many contributions while at Fremantle and sincerely wish him the best in his future endeavors.”

We understand that Lynn’s team will take over Bolenius’ duties for the time being while a succession plan is put in place. Jens Richter is CEO International and Commercial at the unit that sells similar products. Talented, Idol, Answered by, Death in Paradise And Normal PeopleLast year, it also sold products such as: Alice and Jack, Kardashian’s house And White Lies. Sleeping at nightThe producer, Euston Film, has seen its cast leave We revealed AndARIIAndR THIS MHERNING IN TOyouRHEPAndIt begins airing on the BBC next week.

Bolenius joined Fremantle as VP of Sales and was later promoted to SVP. He is known for overseeing the sales division of the German-speaking super-indie and has been running the German office for several years. He has led teams in London and Berlin and his responsibilities include distribution, co-financing, co-productions and assessing the international sales potential of content.

He started his career at the German television channel SWR in 2003, then joined United Visions TV & Film Productions and moved to ZDF Enterprises (now ZDF Studios) in 2005, where he rose to the position of Sales Director.

Fremantle, whose parent company RTL is based in Luxembourg, remains a player in German production, and historically independent UFA is among the country’s largest suppliers to networks and broadcasters. UFA has subsidiaries for drama, serial drama, documentary and factual. RTL is among the largest commercial networks in Germany, competing in the linear world with the likes of ProSieben and broadcaster ZDF. It also operates broadcaster RTL+, whose subscriber base has grown robustly in recent years.

Bolenius’ departure comes six weeks before MIPCOM Cannes, where the world’s leading distributors will showcase their latest products.